Monday, March 4, 2013

My love/hate relationship with food...

So, I guess I would be considered a foody...  I LOVE food in most forms.  I love to create different dishes in my mind and then let my fingers do the work.  I especially love 'beautiful' dishes... lots of color with an artsy flair.  I love the different flavors, the smells and the textures.  I really simply love food.

My only 'hate' that I sometimes have with food is how much I love food!  I can find my emotions dependent on if I have eaten, what I have eaten, what I want and can't have to eat etc.  Ever since I could remember, food has held too much power in my life.  I would often find myself looking to food to comfort me or give me energy.  I have been consumed with how I looked and how much weight I have to lose.  I can look to the scale to determine how my day will look.  So, in a sense, food can become my god.

Thankfully, I serve a God who graciously gives us beautiful food and beautiful bodies in all shapes and sizes. He loves beauty.  He is an Artist and Creator like no other.  When I run into problems is when I take my focus off of my True Provider and put it on the food which He has provided:)

Ever since Thanksgiving we have been feasting.  It has not been bad but recently has gotten out of balance.  I need to press the restart button and the healthiest way that I know how to do that is by simply drinking juice.  I am on day 2 and still cannot believe how much I think about food, of course I am surrounded by it ALL DAY LONG as I prepare food for my children and watch them enjoy it... but for now I am simply taking a break from eating.

Another motivation in doing this fast/cleanse is that I tend to have a pretty consistent pregnancy schedule and thus could get pregnant in the next few months.  Having said that, I also cleansed before my last pregnancy (not purposefully) and I believe it REALLY helped with my morning sickness.

And my last motivation to refocus through this time is that I don't want to just be alive, I want to live.  I want to be able to do everything that God has designed me to do and I want to do it well to my greatest potential.  For me, that includes keeping a healthy mind, body and spirit.

In my mind, I have already succeeded with this cleanse.  I have gone almost 48 hours.  I desire to do longer but I refuse to let the amount of time determine the success.  And to all those out there that have done a cleanse before, you know that the most important time is actually breaking the cleanse and going back to eating well.  Here's to another part of my journey!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.  1 Cor.6:19-20

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