Saturday, February 2, 2013

1 Amendment...

So, I realized that I forgot to mention about a special date night that my husband and I have almost weekly...  Pizza night (definitely not plant based!)!  Having 5 kiddos we don't get to go out too often so we decided to embrace 'at home' date nights and we REALLY enjoy them.  Last night we put the kids to bed after having a super fun time at the roller rink and then sat down in our WARM home and ate the pizza and salad... opened up some yummy wine and WOW... the end of a very long week!

Otherwise, I have really been kickin' the no animal products and feeling better already.  For exercise yesterday I shoveled the driveway a couple of time and went roller skating for a couple of hours:)   Little by little I hope to reintroduce these healthy habits of plant based eating, daily exercise and daily scripture reading...

***Thankful list
1. solitude time at Panera with a yummy lunch, a Bible and a journal

2. a warm house

3. my husband home from a long week


5. family night out

6. late night date night


Nick "Mom, I think God's been holding all the snow in his hands and just decided to let it all drop."


Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Just gotta say I love that you're blogging! :) love ya!

Kendra Linde said...

Thanks, I am really enjoying it but I don't really know what I'm doing... one day at a time:)