Friday, February 15, 2013

Pressing the Pause Button

Have you ever wished you could just press the pause button on life?  I think of this often.  As of yet, I have not figured out a way to do it BUT I have thought of some of the things I would do if I COULD...

I would sleep for at least an entire day and not leave my bed for at least two!

I would deep clean my entire house without any interruptions... no worries about meal prep or cleanup, changing diapers, nursing, wiping little behinds, getting everyone ready, schooling, meal planning etc.  I would simply clean until I could clean no longer because EVERYTHING would be put where it belongs, dust would actually be gone, spider webs would come down, windowsills wiped, laundry would be cleaned and put away, bathtubs would be scoured and the toilet, momentarily, would not have any urine on OR around it.

Lastly, I would soak in the tub, a hot tub with candles lit and soft music playing and then head off back to bed with a journal, a Bible and a good movie and not get out for another day!

After that, I would gladly press the play button again and greet my children, my husband, my friends and my community with a refreshed Spirit and a serving heart!

Since I do not expect to figure out how to make this happen... I choose to rest in the moment and embrace all the peace which God offers me in the midst of what most would consider chaos... but to me is life.

May the peace of God which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

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